MEXC Global: What is FNCT? FiNANCiE Token

Financier Tokens will be a hot topic in 2023. Schedules for listing on the world's virtual currency exchanges have been decided one after another. MEXC has also decided to handle Financier Tokens. In addition, MEXC will also carry out an airdrop of the same token when handling Financier tokens.

MEXC Global: What is ccxt? Overview and features About acquisition

Do you know what ccxt is? ccxt is a module that aggregates API operations of over 100 cryptocurrency exchanges around the world. There are quite a few virtual currency exchanges equipped with this, and MEXC is naturally one of them.

MEXC Global: What is CAW? Overview and characteristics of virtual currency coins

CAW will be one of the altcoins to appear in 2022. MEXC will be one of the exchanges that handle the most cryptocurrencies in the world. Therefore, it is possible to invest in such rare coins as they are handled. What are the characteristics of CAW?

MEXC Global: What is Kusa Coin? Recommended virtual currency trading explanation

The overseas exchange MEXC is said to handle an overwhelming number of stocks, and we will introduce recommended coins with high market capitalization. You can trade a large number of stocks. Therefore, there are many grass coins mixed in, and it is possible to trade rare coins.

MEXC Global: What is altcoin? Differences from Bitcoin Characteristics of virtual currency

Regarding virtual currencies (crypto assets), I will explain whether there is a difference between Bitcoin and altcoins (Ethereum, Ripple). Altcoin is "Alternative Coin" and means an alternative coin. So how is it different from Bitcoin?

Bybit: Virtual currency What is crypto asset lending? Mechanism and features

The cryptocurrency exchange bybit offers simple staking and lending as an asset management service. Even if you have heard the words, there are many people who do not know how they work or which cryptocurrency exchanges offer them. And it is necessary to know what they mean in the first place.

Bybit: Virtual currency What is an altcoin? Difference from Bitcoin

When trading virtual currencies, terms such as Bitcoin and Altcoin will often appear. The word altcoin is a term that you should definitely know, so be sure to remember it. We will also introduce promising altcoins.

Bybit: Virtual currency What is a launch pool? Features, advantages and disadvantages Explanation of how to participate

At the virtual currency exchange Bybit, it is possible to earn new tokens through the launch pool, so we will introduce how to do so. But what exactly is a launch pool? And what characteristics does it have? Isn't there any risk? I'm sure you have many questions, so I've summarized their meanings and characteristics.

Bybit: Virtual currency What is GALA? Features and Future Spot Trading Platform

Do you know the virtual currency called GALA? GALA is a new currency that has appeared in recent years and can be traded on Bybit. This highly anticipated currency has received a lot of attention and is expected to continue to rise in value in the future.

Bybit: Virtual currency What is currency exchange? Differences and fees from conversion, thorough explanation of conversion method

Bybit has a currency exchange function that allows you to easily exchange your virtual currency for other brands. You can exchange your virtual currency for another virtual currency without any fees. It is a very convenient function because you can exchange it for the currency you want to trade without actually trading. I am writing an article about specifics.