At the cryptocurrency exchange MEXC, you can safely trade on various platforms such as BTC (Bitcoin), ETH (Ethereum), NFT, Defi, GameFi, etc. in real time. You will be able to trade by opening an account with MEXC and making a deposit. Wallet allows you to transfer balances and funds between accounts, so it’s convenient if you can use it, but it’s quite inconvenient if you can’t use it.
MEXC Global What is a wallet?
A wallet literally means something like a wallet. When you deposit money, the funds will first arrive in your wallet. Users will be able to perform their own trades by transferring the deposited money to their futures trading account and leveraged trading account. In the case of withdrawals, the pattern is the opposite, and the money is moved from the futures trading account or leverage trading account and withdrawn from the wallet. This mechanism applies not only to MEXC but also to other famous exchanges.
MEXC Global You can also check the history
As I will explain below, in the service, you can check the past records of wallet funds by looking at the deposit/withdrawal history and price in the market. By looking at past history, it is possible to check whether deposits and withdrawals have been completed properly, so even those who feel anxious can feel safe. Please ask customer service support. It is also listed in the FAQ and Terms of Use on the official website.
MEXC Global Wallet management
First of all, where is the MEXC wallet? Please log in first. From the home screen, click on “Wallet” in the upper right corner. “Summary” will appear, so click on it. On the page, you can check your address, hold, buy, and sell crypto assets. The app has similar functionality.

It will be the wallet screen. You can quickly view your account status and perform actions such as deposits, withdrawals and even transfers. The buttons such as deposit and withdrawal at the top right of the screen are shortcut keys. The amount in the green frame in the center of the screen is the balance of each account. The yellow frame at the bottom of the screen allows you to switch accounts.

You can perform the actual deposit and withdrawal processing in the red frame above for deposits and withdrawals. Not only that, you can also view past history. Users can check and download the contents of specific token types such as BTC, ETH, USDT, and XRP, as well as spot and futures, by setting the program. You can check the status of deposits and withdrawals you applied for, as well as the blockchain and network congestion status from here. If you send money by mistake, you can see it here.

Method of funds transfer
Basically, the deposited money will go into these wallets, but for example, if you want to use the funds used for futures trading for spot trading purposes, you will not be able to trade without doing anything. Before you can trade, you will first need to transfer funds. This can be done by clicking “Transfer” at the top right of the screen. You can see the history of generated requests at the bottom right. There is no guarantee against hacking, so be sure to keep your security in check.

From refers to the remittance source and To refers to the remittance destination. After that, you can transfer funds between accounts by selecting the currency and entering the amount of currency you want to transfer. The application is easy, but if you find any abnormality, please contact support and report it so that it can be corrected. They will cooperate.
