This article explains how to create a sub-account for Bitget trading. Bitget allows you to operate multiple accounts, allowing you to trade in a variety of ways. I’m going to explain the steps on how to create multiple accounts, so I hope you find it helpful.
Opening a Bitget account is free
Opening a Bitget account is free. Traders have access to a large number of features. Support is also extensive and additional accounts can be opened. Bitget ranks high in the popularity rankings among overseas crypto asset exchanges. You can also trade using a PC or an app. Complete the KYC process by setting a password and submitting documents. Once you purchase virtual currency, you can trade it with spot or futures.
Lots of bonuses and campaigns
Bitget offers a wide range of bonuses, promotions, and campaign benefits for crypto asset trading. In addition to being held frequently, there are many events such as Launchpad, so there are many opportunities to get rewards by participating. You can check the latest information on the news details on the company’s official website. There are also ways to earn money through friend invites and referral programs.
has its own token
Bitget has its own token, BGB. By owning BGB, you will be able to obtain airdrops in many events. Traders can gain many benefits by owning a large amount. The fees are low and there are many benefits. We also have a license from the Financial Services Agency, so we are regulated, reliable, and safe.
Many coins available
Bitget handles over 600 types of coins. In addition to major coins such as Bitcoin (BTC), XRP, ETH, and USDT, we also have a wide range of altcoins. All management is done in the wallet, and there is also two-factor authentication, so the security is quite solid and you can safely order products and buy and sell amounts. There is no risk of funds outflow.
Many trading methods
There are many ways to trade in the market, and services are provided in various categories such as spot trading, futures, P2P, automated trading (BOT), savings, launch pools, mining, and staking. Users can download the trading app and easily trade on the data. We recommend that the maximum leverage is 125x. Although the principal is not guaranteed, zero cuts are used, so there will be no negative impact. It is an exchange with a high trading volume every day.
Copy trading possible
Copy trading is possible, and by copying an expert professional trader, even beginners can win overall. If you research and copy traders with high yields, your returns will increase. At the same time, learn about price movements and increase your earning power on your own. As you get used to it, you will be able to make flexible trades on your own by making proactive moves.

How to open multiple accounts with Bitget
Bitget’s official website allows you to create multiple subaccounts within the same account. In fact, by creating sub-accounts, management becomes easier by using different trading methods. However, it also becomes more complicated. First, you need to open an account, so please click the button below to complete the account opening.
Once you have created an account, first log in and go to the home screen. I will explain with images. Click the icon to expand the menu and select a subaccount.

Source : Bitget
From here you can create sub-accounts. There is a create button from the bottom right, so you can create a sub-account from here.

Source : Bitget
When creating a sub-account, you can create it by selecting an email address and sub-account name. Now you can hold a position in the market and trade.

Source : Bitget
Frequently asked questions about subaccounts
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about subaccounts. I hope you find the following helpful. Let’s also do two-factor authentication. Security measures are essential. Let’s check it out. Bitget is one of the top exchanges in the world, so give it a try. If you have any questions, please refer to the guide in advance or visit the support center yourself to inquire.
How can I create a subaccount?
In order to create a sub-account, you must first create a main account. We also recommend that you complete KYC. It is difficult to use because there are withdrawal restriction rules. You can start anything, including derivatives trading, even with sub-accounts.
What is the difference between creating multiple accounts and subaccounts?
Creating multiple accounts is a method of creating completely different accounts using different email addresses and phone numbers. On the other hand, a subaccount is created as a child account of an already opened account, and requires almost no effort. Neither is prohibited under the Terms of Use.
Can I receive multiple bonuses with multiple accounts?
Under current operations, it is prohibited to create multiple accounts and use them to obtain bonuses or campaigns. If you are a user aiming for account opening bonuses or campaigns, please be careful as your account may be frozen.