This article provides a thorough explanation of the fees associated with using the virtual currency exchange Bitget. No matter what kind of transaction you do, there will always be fees. At overseas exchanges where there are many types of transactions, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the types and mechanisms of fees, so we recommend that you understand them.
Bitget company profile and safety
Bitget is a virtual currency (crypto asset) exchange based in Singapore and was established in 2018. It is one of the top exchanges on CoinMarketCap, and has over 8 million users in over 100 countries around the world, making it one of the most popular and recommended exchanges worldwide. Copy trading is very popular on Bitget. It has the advantage of being easy to make profits just by setting it up, but it is also possible to make a lot of money on your own. Currently, Lionel Messi has a partnership contract.

Source : Bitget
Financial license acquisition
Bitget has comprehensive financial licenses in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Bitget has obtained three licenses from the Financial Services Agency since 2020, and the necessary conditions are strict and it is not easy to obtain one, so it can be said to be a somewhat reliable exchange. It is a financial institution that has regulations against money laundering, terrorist financing, etc., so it can be said to be quite safe.
United States | FinCen |
Canada | FINTRAC |
Australia | AUSTRAC |
Establishment of protection fund
Bitget officially states that it has established its own $300 million protection fund. What this means is that if Bitget is hacked and the user’s assets are damaged, the user’s assets will be protected. If you have suffered damage from fraud due to hacking or information leaks, you will now be able to apply for compensation from the protection fund. It’s guaranteed so you can feel very safe.
No withdrawal rejections
There are no rejections of transactions, deposits, contracts, or withdrawals. You can trade futures and spot. Even new users can trade safely. Check the terms of use later from the top. Support is provided and there are a wide variety of stocks to start with, making it an ideal exchange. A top-class exchange with a wide variety of grids and affiliates (invitations). Smart tools allow you to start these services instantly from the page. As it is a global exchange, it supports a wide range of languages.
Distribution of registered users
Bitget has become a globally popular exchange and has the characteristic of having registered users all over the world. According to TradersUnion, a review site for virtual currency exchanges around the world, there are many users in Russia, South Korea, Mexico, Venezuela, Ukraine, Japan, India, and the United States. The main attraction is that there are many users in the Americas. The exchange is often featured in news stories in the media, so it attracts a lot of attention.

Source : TradersUnion

Bitget fee list
Introducing a list of Bitget fee information. It will be as follows. Spot, futures, and BOT transactions are possible, but fees vary for each. Pay attention to the token price when purchasing and placing orders. Special offers, discounts, campaigns, promotions, bonuses, etc. are also held all at once, and you can sometimes save money. If you are going to invest, you want to hold it at a low price and make a profit in order not to lose. Please note that events such as airdrops may incur fees depending on market rates and planning.
futures trading fees
Typically, futures trading fees are as follows: Futures trading is uniform regardless of currency. The calculation is different for makers and takers. Please check this as it will affect the income you can earn and your buying and selling.
Maker | 0.17% |
Taker | 0.051% |
Depending on the management rules, the fee will vary depending on whether you become a VIP or not. It depends on the level. please refer to.
VIP1 | Maker:0.016% Taker:0.04% |
VIP2 | Maker:0.014% Taker:0.0375% |
VIP3 | Maker:0.012% Taker:0.035% |
VIP4 | Maker:0.01% Taker:0.032% |
VIP5 | Maker:0.008% Taker:0.032% |
spot transaction fee
The spot transaction fees are as follows: Spot transactions are uniform (fixed) regardless of currency. Let’s try out various listed coins at the right time.
Maker | 0.1% |
Taker | 0.08% |
Fees will vary depending on whether you become a VIP.
VIP1 | Maker:0.04% Taker:0.06% |
VIP2 | Maker:0.025% Taker:0.05% |
VIP3 | Maker:0.02% Taker:0.045% |
VIP4 | Maker:0.015% Taker:0.04% |
VIP5 | Maker:0.0125% Taker:0.035% |
Withdrawal fees depend on currency
Next, we will introduce how much commission is charged when profits are made and confirmed. It is a system in which a fixed commission is paid every time you withdraw money, regardless of the amount of the withdrawal. The network used must be the same as the withdrawal destination address. Not only Bitcoin, but also unique tokens such as BGB incur a commission. Details are as follows. It actually supports major coins. As a result, it is one of the lowest-cost services in the industry. You can manage funds using blockchain from web accounts such as Ripple and Ethereum.
BTC | 0.0005 |
BGB | 2.15 |
USDT | 1 |
ETH | 0.00094 |
LTC | 0.001 |
BCH | 0.0001 |
ETC | 0.008 |
BNB | 0.0002526 |
LINK | 0.26 |
TRX | 0.8 |
XRP | 0.1 |
No deposit fees
Mining payments and deposit fees are free every day. Basically, all exchanges are the same. It’s a good deal if you’re just starting out. You can easily compare popular NFTs and coins in the latest market by using leverage, and exchange them in real time. Try to trade as much as possible whenever you have the opportunity. There is no special risk at the very least, so make the most of it. You can also use credit cards, p2p, and new coupons, and by issuing them, you can use them directly in your project.
Funding (Finding rate)
Funding (finding rate) categories occur three times a day at 0:00, 8:00, and 16:00 Japan time. The funding rate is displayed on the market screen of the official website as an interest rate and the time until it occurs. The funding rate is a fee that is incurred when you hold a position. There are cases where you can devise a strategy and manage your balance. You can specify the quantity for either short or long. Generally, the cost is low overall, so it is easy to make a profit.
Copy trading fees
Copy trading fees are transaction fees + profit sharing rate. Please note that the distribution to the trader will be added to the futures fee explained above. The profit sharing rate is basically set by the trader in the range of 2% to 8%, so please check. There are still few participants, and not many people who participate by depositing or withdrawing money, but in the past, some people have made a lot of money. I think it is very worth a look.

You can open an account for free
You can open an account for free. We have also introduced it in the following article, so please refer to it. Before buying or trading, you will need to transfer money such as deposits and withdrawals. Compared to bybit, wallet management is easy, so it is recommended for easy deposit and withdrawal transfers. In addition, you can trade with low fees and large volumes. Compared to other sites, it handles different currencies such as Japanese yen, dollars, and euros, which is a significant difference from other sites. Once you deposit money into your wallet, you can participate. The content is promising, so let’s consider it a little later.