Bitget: A thorough explanation of Bitget’s deposit methods and fees. 2025 latest version. What to do if you can’t deposit.


This article will introduce and explain the procedure for depositing funds and fees for Bitget’s real transactions with images. Deposits can be made by credit card or virtual currency, and are used by many users. Please note that the legal tender that can be deposited into Bitget is limited. However, if you use a credit card, you can deposit funds in all legal tender.

Bitget deposit methods and fees

We will explain Bitget’s deposit methods and fees. Bitget does not charge any deposit fees, so it is free, but please note that the service you are using may charge a fee. In order to make a deposit, you must first open an account. If you haven’t opened one yet, be sure to complete KYC.

There are mainly four deposit methods. There are credit cards, virtual currencies, P2P, and even bank transfers. Bank transfer takes the longest time, and it depends on the bank’s business days. If you want to deposit money quickly, we recommend using virtual currency or a credit card. P2P transactions also support Line Pay and PayPay.

Compatible brandsReflection time
credit card/debit cardVISA
virtual currencyALLAbout a few hours
Line Pay
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Bank transfer
Immediate to several days
Bank transferBRL
Bank business days

The next step is to make a deposit, but first, log in. You can proceed with the purchase from the Virtual Currency Purchase button at the top of the home screen.

Source : Bitget

credit card deposit

Credit card deposits are only supported by VISA or MasterCard. Select the fiat currency you want to purchase and enter the quantity. You can then purchase by entering the amount of virtual currency you want to receive. Next, you will be redirected to the payment screen for various providers. Please enter your credit card information to proceed with payment.

Source : Bitget

When purchasing virtual currency with a credit card, only the following legal currencies are supported: We also accept US dollars, Japanese yen, euros and pounds.

  • USD
  • EUR
  • JPY
  • TRY
  • AED
  • ARS
  • BRL
  • CAD
  • COP
  • DOP
  • GBP
  • IDR
  • INR
  • MXN
  • NGN
  • PHP
  • PKR
  • RUB
  • THB
  • UAH
  • VES
  • VND
  • ZAR
  • PEN
  • BDT
  • AUD
  • HKD
  • TWD

Virtual currency remittance method

Bitget’s main feature is virtual currency remittance. In the case of virtual currency remittance, the flow is to convert and exchange the virtual currency at an exchange that handles legal currency, and then remit it to Bitget. To deposit virtual currency, select the wallet button from the home screen and select deposit.

Source : Bitget

Select the coins you want to receive and choose your network. Then, scan the QR code of the deposit address or copy the wallet address to process the remittance from the source exchange to Bitget. Depending on the virtual currency, the time it takes for the deposit to be reflected and the gas fee, which is a fee, will vary. If you are not particular about it, we recommend choosing a virtual currency that processes transactions quickly.

Source : Bitget

Virtual currency purchase through P2P transactions

It is now possible to purchase virtual currency through P2P transactions. Strictly speaking, it is a transaction and not a deposit, but as a result you will receive virtual currency. Purchases can be made from the virtual currency purchase option at the top of the home screen. You can purchase from other Bitget users. However, if you are not used to it, you may be sold at a high price, so it is not for beginners.

Source : Bitget

Also, in the case of P2P, please complete all steps including identity verification KYC level 1, email authentication, and SMS authentication. Supported electronic payment methods include bank transfer, Apple Pay, Google Pay, LINEPAY, Paypal, Revolt, Western Ivoit, Air TM, GCash, PayMaya, Post Bank, 7-Bank, Chiper Cash, Wise, etc.

Deposit method by bank transfer

We also accept deposits in legal currency. However, it only supports EUR, GBP, TRY, and BRL, not the US dollar or Japanese yen. Purchases can be made from the virtual currency purchase option at the top of the home screen.

Source : Bitget

Please note that bank transfer can only be processed on bank business days, so please note that it takes the longest of all payment methods. Also, please note that if you use bank transfer, a fee will be charged depending on the bank.

Source : Bitget

What to do when you can’t deposit with Bitget

If you cannot deposit with Bitget, the following cases may be possible. First, check if any of them apply to you. If you have a problem, we recommend that you contact the support center first. Recently, travel rules have been added depending on the amount of currency, so check them. At the very least, check your account settings directly and later. Please note that the rules are different from those of bitbank and bybit.

I haven’t done KYC to verify my identity.

If you have not verified your identity, restrictions will be placed on deposits and withdrawals. As a result, functions are limited and in many cases you will not be able to make deposits. Therefore, please make sure to complete the identity verification KYC as much as possible. Unlike domestic exchanges, the key point is that you can perform additional operations from the app. Before doing so, please fill in the required information and proceed with preparations for trading.

The remittance address is incorrect

When depositing cryptocurrency, be sure not to make any mistakes when entering the QR code or wallet address when transferring funds from the sender to Bitget. If the transfer address is incorrect, the transfer will 100% fail. Also, be careful not to forget to enter the destination tag, as with Ripple. When you start, please make sure to check the details on the page carefully to avoid any problems with your investment. For reference, be sure to check the details carefully in advance when preparing and processing.

Credit card support

Only VISA or MasterCard are accepted as credit cards. Please note that JCB and Diners cards are not accepted. Also, depending on the credit card, the card company may block the payment and you may not be able to make a payment, or your credit limit may have been reached, so please check at the same time. It has a wider range of services than other companies such as bittrade and bitpoint, so it is easy to use. You can use it from either small amount with different credits.

For virtual currency deposits

In the case of cryptocurrency deposits, although this is common to all blockchain and exchanges in some cases, the time of deposit may vary due to the effect of network transaction processing, and it may take some time for the deposit to be reflected. It may take several minutes to several hours. You can also view your payment history from a smartphone app. Unless you make a mistake, there should be no major congestion, so don’t worry.

For bank transfer

Please note that some legal tender currencies may not be supported for bank transfers. Also, since it is only available on bank business days, if you make a request on the weekend, it will be held until a weekday. If you are in a hurry, we recommend that you first deposit with a credit card or virtual currency. If you are starting a new account, we recommend a bank where corporate fraud is unlikely to occur. It is also recommended for first-time users as it will be reflected correctly as a new account.

You can open a free account with Bitget

Bitget allows you to open an account for free. It has the following characteristics. Creating one has the following benefits: It will be a virtual currency exchange that has a lot of exposure in the media and ranks high in popularity rankings. For details such as rules, please see the Terms of Use, or if you have any questions, please ask support from the site map content.

Lots of bonuses and campaigns

Bitget offers a wide range of bonuses, promotions, and campaign benefits for crypto asset trading. In addition to being held frequently, there are many events such as Launchpad, so there are many opportunities to get rewards by participating. You can check the latest information on the news details on the company’s official website. There are also ways to earn money through friend invites and referral programs.

has its own token

Bitget has its own token, BGB. By owning BGB, you will be able to obtain airdrops in many events. Traders can gain many benefits by owning a large amount. The fees are low and there are many benefits. We also have a license from the Financial Services Agency, so we are regulated, reliable, and safe.

Many coins available

Bitget handles over 600 types of coins. In addition to major coins such as Bitcoin (BTC), XRP, ETH, and USDT, we also have a wide range of altcoins. All management is done in the wallet, and there is also two-factor authentication, so the security is quite solid and you can safely order products and buy and sell amounts. There is no risk of funds outflow.

Many trading methods

There are many ways to trade in the market, and services are provided in various categories such as spot trading, futures, automated trading (BOT), mining, and staking. Users can download the trading app and easily trade on the data. We recommend that the maximum leverage is 125x. Although the principal is not guaranteed, zero cuts are used, so there will be no negative impact. It is an exchange with a high trading volume every day.

Copy trading possible

Copy trading is possible, and by copying an expert professional trader, even beginners can win overall. If you research and copy traders with high yields, your returns will increase. At the same time, learn about price movements and increase your earning power on your own. As you get used to it, you will be able to make flexible trades on your own by making proactive moves.


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